Author name: azar

Dean Kamen's inventions

Dean Kamen

Dean Kamen is an American entrepreneur, inventor and technology advocate, who is the president of DEKA Research & Development Corporation.

Cyrus McCormick's Inventions

Cyrus McCormick

Cyrus Hall McCormick, known as “the Father of Agriculture” was an American inventor responsible for the production, marketing and distribution of the mechanical reaper.

Christiaan Huygens's Inventions

Christiaan Huygens

Christiaan Huygens was a Dutch mathematician, physicist, and astronomer of the 17th century. He was born in 1629 at The Hague to a wealthy and influential family.

Charles Simonyi's inventions

Charles Simonyi

Charles Simonyi is a renowned Hungarian-American technology pioneer, space explorer and philanthropist. He was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1948.

Charles Lindbergh's Inventions

Charles Lindbergh

Charles Augustus Lindbergh was an American aviator, inventor and writer who made the first solo non-stop flight across the Atlantic in 1927.

Charles Goodyear's Inventions

Charles Goodyear

Charles Goodyear was an American inventor of the 19th century, famous for inventing the rubber vulcanization process. Goodyear was born at New Haven, Connecticut in the year 1800.

Charles Francis Jenkins's Inventions

Charles Francis Jenkins

Charles Francis Jenkins was a prolific American inventor of the twentieth century. He is widely credited to be one of the inventors of mechanical television and an early pioneer in the field of motion pictures and cinema.

Charles Babbage's Inventions

Charles Babbage

Charles Babbage was an English mathematician, engineer and inventor of the 19th century who is often referred to as “the father of the computer” for inventing the first mechanical computer.

Burt Rutan's Inventions

Burt Rutan

Burt Rutan (formally named Elbert Leander Rutan) is an American aerospace engineer and a pioneer in the fields of aircraft design and space travel.

Buckminster Fuller's Inventions

Buckminster Fuller

Richard Buckminster Fuller was a well known American engineer, inventor, architect and author of the 20th century. He was born on 12 July 1895 in Milton, Massachusetts.

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